Monday, September 13, 2010
Chapter 1 Continued.....
The reaction on the faces surrounding him is… Khan is not sure what it is. Now he needs to give them next episode of the story. What is the supply he needed here? So he continued “as I am saying, I needed the Ganja. My buyer told me precisely to buy it from Karachi. He liked the stuff from here. But Asif sala kameena informed you.” Khan paused for a moment so the audience around him can grasp the details and matters in the story.
“You are smuggling drugs from here? Bastard!” inspector Mazid Islam shouted at Khan. “What do you think of us? Ah! You think we are just a bunch of jerks out here? You are wrong; we follow very strict law and order here. You can’t sneak through my nose. Now tell me where you from” the inspector demanded.
The real problem starts with this question. If I say that I am from Pakistan, then they ask for identification which I don’t have. If I tell them that I am from India, then they burry me here alive. Khan thought. I need time, so that the trail goes cold for ATS agents. Khan is thinking furiously. Its time to take split second decision, if he takes more than that, his statement looks suspicious. He knew that. It’s time, time to get out of here. He thought.
He is rewinding his memory. The main door to the building was guarding by two constables. Two more were at hall. Then they walked him through a hallway, where he didn’t see any duty people. At the door to this interrogation room was a solitary guard.
That makes five out side. There may be more, unseen policemen inside some other rooms. Inside there were, a police inspector and two constables. Total seven seen. It’s night. There can’t be too many inside. Still, his luck was not smiling at him since last day or tow, he is not so sure about that.
“I think I asked a very simple question to you.” The inspector interrupted his planning. Khan hates when someone interrupts while hi formulating a plan. Especially when its about saving his ass. Throwing the caution in wind, Khan punched directly to inspector’s nose. The inspector screamed in pain. But khan acted again, punching the ribcages to one of the constable and applied a hammering kick to other constable’s stomach. While in action and motion Khan thinking and planning about his options and exits to escape. His training was good on one to one and group combat. He beaten all three policemen inside the room and two constables are unconscious already. Before the inspector Mazid Islam got unconscious, Khan whispered in his ear “I am from India”.
First he thought that the guard outside the room will enter hearing the screaming. But the guard did not. Good. He moved to door and tried the handle. It’s not locked. Khan opened the door. There is nobody outside. Good… again. He moved across the hallway towards the entrance and stood still in terror.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Chapter 1
Neha Sharma, a reporter in one of the nation’s popular TV news channel. But she is not too familiar face on TV. People get to see her face only when some crime report comes across from the capital of
As she thinking something like that, wall mounted old clock in her apartment belled eleven times to remind her that time is that much. She had arrived to her apartment just twenty minutes ago. Before the clock belled, she had finished the bath which she takes at any rush whatsoever every evening. There is not much work to do today though she thought while pressing the power button of her laptop. “May be good reporting, story covering and presentation is just not enough to get promoted by the admin of the channel to get my own show on the TV. May be I need to show and share more than story, may be myself to get that!” she thought while the windows inside her laptop booting up.
“Not in the world, I will not do that, it is impossible to think” she reminded herself. There it is, good to go, windows opened and now she can type her report on the crime story she had gathered today. She will write it in detail and attach the video she covered. And she will send that to the editor via email. “Thanks to the internet” she thought.
She is almost finishing the story her mobile began to buzz. “Hello its Neha” she answered the incoming call. She uses Bluetooth headset all the time so she cannot see the number or name displaying on the mobile. “Who is this?” she continued with her conversation asking the calling party. “This is Sahil Neha; I have got a lifetime story for you.” The person’s tone on the other side of the call mixed with shock and excitement. Sahil is one of Neha’s informants who call her only if he gets good information. “Its really big and shocking dear, apart from the authorities only few people know about this for now. The president’s son has been kidnapped” he stopped for a while so she can grasp the info he feeding her. The expression Neha’s face changed instantly. “What are you talking about? Which president’s son are you talking about Sahil?” she asked. “It’s the President Neha; The President of India’s son has been kidnapped an hour ago. The fact is he just disappeared from the Rajbhavan. The rumor is authorities found a note claiming that he has been taken.” As he finishing, Neha replied with trembling tone “Are you sure about this Sahil? If it’s so, you are right, you had just given me the lifetime story to me, is there any other media people know about this already?” breaking news hungry mind inside her wants to know about the competition on breaking this news. “ I think its just you for now, but I don’t know how long its going to be stay like this, you should hurry, get your camera person and go to the Rajbhavan ASAP.” Sahil told her.
And he hung up. Soon the call disconnected from Sahil, Neha dialed the number of his cameraman Gaurav and told him to meet him at the Rajbhavan in twenty minutes, although she knew that its impossible for him to reach the Rajbhavan in that given time, but she wanted to let him know the urgency to reach the spot. She did not gave him any clue whatsoever why she asking him to get there.
She took her scooty and raced to the Rajbhavan. It took her exactly fifty minutes to reach there. Gaurav is yet to arrive, she called to his cell phone again and given him the instruction where to meet. It’s simple, just in front of the entrance gate to huge Rajbhavan. Gaurav arrived little five minutes later with his camera. They hurried to the main gate where the security guard stopped them. Both of them showed their ID cards to the guard so they clear them to get pass in. But the guard scenting the gate refused them to get in and told access to Rajbhavan has temporarily denied due to some unknown reasons. Neha knew the reason.
While Neha and Gaurav trying to get inside the entrance of Rajbhavan, the situation and the atmosphere inside the Rajbhavan is very intense. Commissioner of Delhi Police, Rajat Bhatiya arrived just a while ago and he gathering the information about the situation from the Rajbhavan security head Rajagopalan. Rajat Bhatiya in his late fifties has a mustache with a lightly grown beard. He has intelligent looking eyes. He considered himself as a problem solver all the time and he proved many times that his consideration right. He is too near to his retirement, in fact on this Friday. He always wanted to live his after the retirement life relaxing with his wife in his village. But all of the sudden he found himself in most difficult situation in his long thirty two year police currier. He was almost going to bed when the phone rang to inform him this situation. He surprised for a while that how the hell this happened! With high Z grade security around the Rajbhavan! Are all the security people sleeping? He thought. But now when he is here at Rajbhavan with the head of the security his amazement reached the optimal level. No breaking, no alarm went off, nobody seen anybody walking suspicious around and most of all, none of the security cameras seen anything! How this happened? The question remains intact.
Khan been held at the interrogation room of
“I don’t have the luxury of time. I need to act fast. I must say fast “may” not be enough for the situation I am in now. I need to act super fast. But…… the first thing of the training taught me is “THINK” think before acting. Thinking means time spending, which right now I don’t have much, may be not at all. So I have to think quick and act.” These thoughts passed in a flash to Khan’s mind. There is not much to think, in fact he have only two options as per now. The ATS agents are just few yards behind him. “I shouldn’t have taken this passage” he thought. There is no turning back. It’s a narrow pass way between two huge apartments. He has to move forward as he doing since few seconds. But the only problem in keep moving forward is that local Pakistani police squad is waiting for him at the end of this pass way. He is damn sure about it.
“I am going to be get caught and arrested for sure. I have to decide by whom.” If ATS agents from
“What the hell! Local fat stomached people are better than trained Anti Terrorist Squad agents” he made his mind and sprint fast forward. As moving at a steady pace he saw the flash lights of policemen and the light beams of their jeeps. He did not stopped or even looked back to see whether ATS agents lost his trail. Because he is pretty certain that there is no chance of that.
“STOP…” “Ruk Jav” “Don’t Move” …….”Stop or we will shoot” Khan heard some very familiar words. But he got bit maze. Locals were got upgraded. They too started sound like agents. No surprise, even though it’s
Now getting maze is their turn. They found two nine millimeters, one Uzi, one shot gun sleeping parallel to his back, four sharp edged haunting knifes and four high explosive grenades. They thought he must be walking weapons shop. They double checked him and cleared as no more weapons left in him. But they missed one main weapon, Khan. The man himself.